Saturday, August 4, 2007


"Four months of foreign war would be enough to double the annual budget for the Federal Highway Administration – if that's what one would choose to spend the money on – taking care of quite a few of those 81,000+ bridges which are still open to traffic and yet 'functionally obsolete.'"


The 40 year old virgin

it wan funny as expected, but too long...
or am I losing patience to sit through a movie?

The 40 year old virgin

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Wednesday, August 1, 2007


Watched a movie "Munich."
I like the cinematography, and the messege the director was trying to convey. I think he succeeded in communicating it to us. But it was too long... the killing scenes of each terrorist could have been much shorter.


simon norfolk

found a really good photographer. his photographs are evocative, theatrical in a sense, beautiful and serene. But at the same time, have very very strong messege. I want to take photographs like him.

simon norfolk interview